One of the easy ways to prevent e-auctions fraud is from eBay feedback forum. eBay Feedback forum can let us know more about our trading partners. We can view those sellers’ reputation and also express our opinion by leaving the feedback on the transaction. These member-to-member ratings and comments help a lot of buyers and sellers in the Community build trust.
For each transaction, buyers and sellers can rate each other by leaving the feedback. The feedback can be positive, negative or neutral rating and also can be a short comment. A buyer can also rate the additional criteria. These detailed seller ratings (DSRs) do not count in feedback score and all are the anonymous. Therefore, sellers will not know the detailed what the other buyers drop and they can honesty tells the story or experience for the transactions.
For a seller as more positive feedback receives the more scores he/she will earn. The feedbacks score correspond with the feedback star are shown beside the member’s ID. Star is the symbol of trust and experience in the eBay Community. With this approach, buyers can reward their favorite sellers not only through the sales transaction also with helping them to spread their services. From this, we can know which seller is can believe.