Thursday, June 12, 2008

EBay Triumph and Causes

eBay is the biggest auction company online in the world. Due to the Internet becoming widely available inrecent years, online auctions have also become popular and more and more online auction suppliers entering this market.
What makes ebay as the top 5 success online auction company in the world?

Causes of the triumph of ebaY

1.Web Sites Design and Contents

Web site layout- layout must be clear, comfortableand easy to use, with good use of colour , typography and white space. Besides that, information architectures also can ease the users in browsing or finding particular item

2. Give Great Customer Service

Interative customer service and support feedback systems, email communication and toll free call. EbaY also provide answer center which include FAQs,auction listings,.These are the likelihood customers maintaining ongoing relationshops with ebaY.

3. Security

EbaY secure payment mechanism. This provides safer online shopping environment and minimizes risks to consimers. Hence personal information privacy which members' and online auction users' personal information has been secured and properly managed for authorised purposes only. Lastly, web site security which is an effective encrytionmechanism been adopted by ebaY for exchanging information, such as login information.

4. Consumer Education

EbaY provide online learning centre, which is an online centre that provides knowledge to consumers about online auctions. Whether you are new to online auctions or want to take your sales to the next level. These services are provided for free to all the users. Online workshops or seminars also been provided to educate people as well as increase brand awareness of potential consumers.

5. Online community

Discussion boards which created for a particular topic that can attract and group those people who are interested in the topic and form an online community. Chat rooms, which ebaY also provides, it gives real-time and interactive communication for information exchange between members of the online community. This indeed has helped consumers on understand on the products that they want to buy.