Monday, June 23, 2008

Review on the post "New Spamming Tactics"

As refer to the post “New Spamming Tactics”, Mr.Hen pointed out a useful tip, DON’T click on any link in the mail, or download any attachment until you get confirmation from the sender. Some malicious software may auto generate spam by searching through the contact list in the address book. Hence, be aware when you receive adnormal mail from your friends.

In my opinion, using spam filter is not a very good option. The chances of successfully filter out the spam is not guarantee, at the same time it may accidently filter out your important mail.

The best way of avoiding spam is not to open any suspected mail. An important mail or official messages from companies always have proper mail title and sender name where immiately tell you what is the content about.

Most importantly, stop forward the spam mail around. For example, “MSN is full…, Please reverting this message to keep you account live…. Etc”. Mail service provider as well as other web site will never delete user account.

I appreciate Mr.Hen bring out the tactic of using PDF spam. I never thought of this as spam before I read this post. In addition to this, some malicious software make use of “.zip.exe, .doc.exe, .xls.exe” to trick their victims.